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Working with emails: tips & tricks
How do I insert a SingleCase document into an existing email conversation?
How do I insert a SingleCase document into an existing email conversation?
Jakub Bouchner avatar
Written by Jakub Bouchner
Updated over a week ago

Do you have a conversation in your email where you need to insert documents from SingleCase? There are two ways to do this.

  1. Right-click on a document in the document repository of a particular File (or use the "ctrl" or "cmd" button to select multiple documents) and select "Send via Outlook" in the context table that opens.

Outlook will open and a new email will be opened with the documents you have forwarded as attachments.

Drag and drop these documents into the email conversation window.

2.Right-click on the document (see point 1) and select "Download" in the pop-up window.

Stažení jednoho dokumentu nebo více dokumentů probíhá klasicky jako z kterékoli webové stránky.

In the case of one document, it will appear at the bottom of the browser. Select and drag it into the email client window.

In the case of multiple documents, a window with the downloaded files will appear at the end. Simply select these and drag and drop them into the message window in Outlook or another mail client.

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