How to add email messages to the Case

How to add incoming mail to SingleCase in different ways, choose you way

Pavel Krkoška avatar
Written by Pavel Krkoška
Updated over a week ago

SingleCase supports several ways to add email to the "Case Mail

1. Dragging directly to SC

Select the email message(s) in your Outlook with your mouse. Drag and drop the message(s) directly into SingleCase to a specific "Project/Case"->"Project/Case Mail". This will upload your message(s) to SingleCase. At the same time, any attachments will be copied to the document folder for the corresponding Project/Case. Attachments can be found in the "Correspondence" folder.

2. Drag and drop into a folder directly in your mail client

Highlight the email message(s) in your Outlook or Gmail with your mouse. Drag and drop the message(s) directly in Outlook or Gmail into the created folder of the respective Project/Case, namely "SingleCase"->"Client"->"Project/Case".Then the synchronization with SingleCase is automatically performed. The message or messages can be found in SingleCase in the respective "Project/Case"->"Project/Case Mail". At the same time, all attachments will be copied to the document folder of the respective Project/Case. Attachments can be found in the "Correspondence" folder

3. Forwarding

You can send the message directly from your mail client to the Project/Case. The email address can be found in the "Project/Case Mail" section of each Project/Case. At the same time, all attachments will be copied to the document folder of the respective Project/Case. Attachments can be found in the Correspondence folder

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