How to add documents to the Project/Case?

Choose from many ways to upload files and folders, including subfolders, to SingleCase

Pavel Krkoška avatar
Written by Pavel Krkoška
Updated over a week ago

There are three basic paths you can use to upload files and entire folders, including subfolders, to SingleCase. Each way supports different variations.

1. Tools directly in Singlecase

a) " Cloud" button

If you are directly in Singlecase on a specific case file, you can use the "Cloud" button at the top.

You will then be presented with a standard selection window where you can find the files you want to select.

Select a file (or multiple files) by selecting it with the mouse or by holding down the "ctrl" ("cmd") key. Then type "Open" and the relevant files will be uploaded under Project/Case in Documents. The files are not included and can be found at the end of the folder structure.

b) Tlačítko "Nahrát nový" nebo "Obláček" pro nový Úkol, Lhůta, Jednání

V případě, že přidáváte nový úkol, nové jednání či novou lhůtu, můžete přidat soubor/soubory týkající se tohoto objektu pomocí tlačítka "Nahrát nový" nebo "Obláček". Tímto přidáváte konkrétní soubor/soubory k objektu, ale zároveň soubor nebo soubory nahrajete přímo ke konkrétnímu spisu.

Po stisknutí tlačítka se vám opět otevře okno s výběrem, kde dále vybíráte a potvrdíte svůj výběr.

c) Drag and drop

SingleCase allows you to upload files by direct drag and drop from the "Desktop" or by using your "Explorer". Again on the "Desktop" or in the " Browser Window" you select files or folders and upload them by dragging them with the mouse directly into the document section of the project/case.

2. Using the Singlecase Uploader

We dedicate a separate chapter to this variant, which can be found here.

3. Other routes by source

a) Upload documents and folders from your computer (HardDisk) or external storage media (FlashDisk) to SingleCase:

  • Drag and drop - open the "Explorer", select the files and folders (including subfolders) that you want to have in SingleCase under a specific project/case, select them and drag them with the mouse directly to the project/case to the documents in the appropriate place or to the folder "SingleCase Uploader" ->"Client"->"Project/Writing".

  • Copying - open "Explorer", select the files and folders that you want to have in SingleCase under a specific project/case, select them and use the "ctrl+C" ("cmd+C") key combination to copy them to the clipboard. Then you can paste it into the folder "SingleCase Uploader" ->"Client"->"Project/Case" using the key combination "ctrl+V" ("cmd+V") .

b) Upload the documents from your mail to SingleCase:

  • Drag and drop - select the file(s) in your mail and drag and drop them directly into SingleCase into a specific project/case in the documents section or into the "SingleCase Uploader" ->"Client"->"Project/Case" folder. The document will be uploaded even if you drag and drop the entire mail message into the Outlook (Gmail) folder created by SMTP/IMAP synchronization. The structure of the folder is SC->Client->Project/Case. Another option, is to drag the entire message directly into the Project/Case->Project/Case folder.

  • The "Save As" command - above the file in Mail (Outlook). If you left-click here, a menu will pop up, select "Save this" and you can save the document to the folder "SingleCase Uploader" ->"Client"->"Project/Case".

    Note: You can download mail attachments in the standard way and then follow as described in section 3.a.

c) Upload a document opened in a third-party program to SingleCase:

  • With the "Save As" command - over a file opened e.g. in Word, Photoshop, Adobe reader etc. Here you select the option "File"->"Save this" and save the file to the folder "SingleCase Uploader" ->"Client"->"Project/Writing".

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